Can Patients Recover from Traumatic Brain Injuries?

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a leading cause of death in the United States. In 2021, there were over 69,000 TBI-related deaths, with 190 TBI deaths occurring daily.

Some people who sustain a TBI recover quickly and experience no long-term effects. For those who endure more severe TBIs, the road to recovery can be a difficult one, requiring home modifications, physical therapy, and round-the-clock care.

If you or a loved one has sustained a TBI, our Suwanee traumatic brain injury lawyers can help you recover the compensation that you deserve.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury is caused by either a blow, bump, or strike to the head, which can impair brain function. A TBI can be classified as a penetrating TBI or a non-penetrating TBI.

A penetrating TBI, also known as an open brain injury, involves an object piercing the skull. This would happen if a bullet or shrapnel penetrates the brain tissue. Besides the obvious risks of damaging brain tissue, the risk of infection increases significantly, often carrying a much worse diagnosis.

In contrast, a non-penetrating injury occurs when the brain shakes rapidly back and forth, with no break to the skull. A non-penetrating injury, also known as a closed brain injury, is more prevalent, commonly occurring in auto accidents, slips and falls, and sports accidents.

Long-Term Symptoms of a TBI

The range of symptoms will depend primarily upon the severity of an individual’s injury. For those patients who sustain a moderate or severe TBI, long-term symptoms may include any of the following:

 Cognitive Deficits

  • Confusion
  • Shortened attention span
  • Amnesia
  • Problems with judgment
  • Inability to understand abstract concepts

Motor Deficits

  • Paralysis or weakness
  • Poor balance
  • Tremors
  • Swallowing problems
  • Poor coordination

Perceptual or Sensory Deficits

  • Changes in hearing, vision, taste, smell, and touch
  • Loss of sensation or heightened sensation
  • Left- or right-sided neglect
  • Difficulty understanding where limbs are in relation to the rest of the body
  • Vision problems

Communication and Language Deficits

  • Difficulty speaking
  • Difficulty understanding speech
  • Difficult reading or writing
  • Decreased vocabulary
  • Problems identifying objects and their function


While a doctor may be able to give you or your family member a prognosis within the first couple of weeks, full recovery can take months or even years. Some patients may never regain complete brain function.

Permanent disability is a real risk of any trauma to the brain. While a concussion is considered a mild TBI, some individuals have lingering symptoms, often diagnosed as post-concussive syndrome. This syndrome is often accompanied by headaches, dizziness, and memory problems.

A recent study examining 484 TBI sufferers found that only 50% of those who sustained a severe TBI and 75% of those who sustained a moderate TBI were able to function independently at home within a one-year period. While many of these participants did regain significant function, the remainder likely required in-home or nursing home care.

Have You Suffered a TBI? Contact our Suwanee Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers Today

There are no tell-tale signs of whether a person will fully recover from a TBI. If your loved one has experienced long-term effects from brain trauma, we want to hear from you. Contact us for a free case evaluation at your earliest convenience.