Don't Post about Your Accident on Social Media
Being injured as a result of someone else’s negligence is a difficult experience that can leave you off the job and facing mounting medical bills as you proceed through a lengthy recovery period. Many of us have turned to social media to connect with others and to express ourselves on a daily basis, and the global pandemic we find ourselves living through makes this even more true. If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, now is a good time to take a break from social media, which can inadvertently sabotage your claim. To reach your most favorable case resolution, work closely with an experienced Georgia personal injury attorney.
You’re Going through Something Difficult
Enduring the pain and anxiety associated with being injured by someone else’s negligence is difficult at best. It’s only natural to want to share your experience with your friends, family, loved ones, and other like-minded people who are happy to commiserate – and social media is definitely the medium for doing so. The thing about social media, however, is that you have almost no control over who sees what – regardless of your privacy settings – and those posts about your accident can come back to haunt you.
The Insurance Company
While the insurance company covering your case is paid to do so – and our hefty premium costs reflect the risk involved – this company is also motivated to increase its profits, which translates to reducing settlements and payouts by all available means. As such, the insurance company is always looking for a way to discredit your claim, and your social media accounts can end up being a goldmine.
Social Media and Your Claim
There are a variety of important ways that posting on social media can negatively affect your personal injury claim.
You’re Not as Injured as You Claim
We all enjoy presenting our best selves on social media but doing so when you have a personal injury claim pending can send a subtext that everything is great. After the adrenalin of an accident wears off, it is not unusual for the pain and soreness to set in hours or days after the collision. While it’s admirable to put on a brave face after a wreck, the insurance company can use this information as proof that you’re not as seriously injured as you claim. That picture of you having a great time on the beach can be similarly misconstrued.
You Share Fault
When you turn to social media to post about your accident, those flip comments you make can be misconstrued as admissions of fault – or of shared fault. A comment like – “I never saw him coming” – sounds innocent enough, but it can be read to mean that you weren’t paying attention. When you give social media a pass, you don’t give the insurance company an opportunity to misinterpret your posts.
Don’t Wait to Consult with an Experienced Cumming Personal Injury Attorney
If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured, the Forsyth County personal injury attorneys at Banks, Stubbs & McFarland have the experience, dedication, and legal insight to skillfully advocate for your claim’s optimal resolution. Your case is important, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 770-887-1209 for more information today.