Is it Ok to Post on Social Media about My Car Crash?

With approximately six million motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. each year, the steps you should take after a crash are well-established. For example, don't admit fault, embellish your injuries, or post on social media are all excellent tips to follow. Most make sense, but why is posting on social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter not advisable? Understandably, you might not know how doing so can be detrimental to your case, so it's essential to examine what posting on social media looks like from a legal angle. Your Forsyth County car accident attorney will likely advise you not to post on social media about your accident or injuries or potentially about anything at all.

Once Posted, It Is There Forever

You likely know that your social media posts can be edited and deleted. Although these options can change what other people see, it doesn't permanently edit or delete anything when it comes to legal evidence. You must keep in mind that authorities or trained experts can still access anything you put online publicly after you delete or edit it.

Your Statements Could Be Misinterpreted

Suppose you make a generic post about having been in a car accident. Something like: "Just got in a car accident. Just something else I must deal with on top of everything else. Why does this always happen to me?" Although this might appear like an innocuous statement to attorneys and claims adjusters, your post might express much more than you intended.

"Just something else" implies or can be misinterpreted as if it weren't a big deal or is a simple inconvenience to you. It might also suggest that you didn't suffer serious injuries.

"Why does this always happen to me" might be interpreted by a lawyer or claims adjuster as if you are a reckless motorist with a history of multiple car crashes. It's better to keep your feelings off social media altogether. If you need to vent about what happened, call a friend or family member instead.

Posted Pictures or Videos Can Become Evidence

Your social media activity doesn't have to be limited to your car accident to be detrimental to your claim. You might also harm your credibility if you post pictures and videos of other things besides your car accident. For instance, say that you sustained minor injuries in a motor vehicle accident and are pursuing compensation for medical expenses. This is entirely reasonable, but you don't want to jeopardize your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve by giving others reason to think that you might be exaggerating your injuries.

Posting pictures of your recent beach trip or a night on the town with friends could cause lawyers and claims adjusters involved in your case to think that you're getting on with your life as usual and feeling fine. This can harm your credibility as they will not believe that your injuries were severe enough to warrant the compensation for which you are filing.

This is especially true if you don't go to work due to an accident and claim lost wages as damages. If you call in to your employer and report that you are injured because of the crash, there's an expectation that you can't do much else either.

The good news is that you can save yourself the stress of having to deal with photographic evidence of your post-crash activities by not posting anything on social media.

Questions about Social Media and Car Accident Claims? Contact a Forsyth County Car Accident Attorney Today

If you have questions about social media use and your car accident claim or need help after a car accident, contact an experienced Forsyth County car accident lawyer from Banks, Stubbs & McFarland as soon as possible. You can reach us by phone at 770.887.1209 or online.