What Are Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Cities?
Most pedestrian injuries and deaths happen in urban settings. Unfortunately for pedestrians, they have an increased risk of being killed in traffic accidents than other road users, such as motorists, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. While pedestrians must also take the necessary steps to keep themselves safe on the road and exercise common sense and appropriate caution, they are more vulnerable than other road users.
A broad range of factors can cause pedestrian accidents, which can include the following:
Left-Turning Drivers
In Georgia, when drivers make a left turn, whether at an intersection, driveway, or alley, they must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and traffic coming from the other side. Likewise, when they approach a yield sign, they must always slow down and be ready to stop safely if needed. But some drivers may misjudge their speed and the distance between their cars and pedestrians. Consequently, they may hit a pedestrian and even fail to see unmarked and marked crosswalks.
Speeding is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents, including those that involve pedestrians. Drivers that exceed the posted speed limits naturally have less time to safely react to pedestrians crossing their path. In such cases, a speeding driver could be held liable for the accident, even if a pedestrian was also negligent, if they exceeded the speed limit and caused an accident.
Distracted Driving
Technology has provided a lot of opportunities for people to multitask while driving, but the same technology has also increased traffic accidents because of distracted driving. For instance, a driver who takes their eyes off the roadway for a couple of seconds to talk on their phone or send a text message can easily crash into a pedestrian.
Unsafe Physical Environmental Features
A city’s physical layout, crossing devices, and pedestrian transportation routes may inadvertently encourage unsuspecting pedestrians to enter or cross roadways under unsafe circumstances. These environmental features typically include inadequate road width, lack of or malfunctioning pedestrian crossing devices, lack of midblock crosswalks, poor crossing signal timing, and poor conditions or absence of sidewalks.
Inclement Weather
Poor weather and visibility can make pedestrians harder to see, even for the most careful drivers. Likewise, inclement weather can sometimes make drivers uncomfortable or scared, so they’re likely to drive faster than normal to get out of the situation. Their haste may cause them to be less focused on safely driving and open to taking more risks. In addition, poor weather can make surfaces more hazardous, increasing the risk of pedestrian accidents.
Get Legal Help From an Experienced Georgia Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
Were you hurt in a pedestrian accident due to someone else’s negligence? You may be legally entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and losses related to the accident. To schedule a free case review with the GA pedestrian accident lawyer of Banks, Stubbs & McFarland, please call our office at 770-887-1209 or send us an online message. We can also help you file a wrongful death claim if your loved one died in a pedestrian accident.