What Should You Do If You Receive a Restraining Order?

If you just received a restraining order, formally known as a temporary protective order or order of protection in Georgia, do not panic. To better understand what you can and can’t do while the restraining order is in effect, consult with a Georgia criminal defense lawyer right away. In the meantime, here’s what you should do upon receiving a restraining order.

Read and Understand The Restraining Order

Carefully read what you can and can’t do. The level of protection and the specific requirements of restraining orders will vary from one order to another order. Some orders will specify places that you’re prohibited from going, such as your home, the petitioner’s (the one who requested a restraining order against you) home or workplace, your child’s school, or other locations where you can run into the people the restraining order protects.

Aside from location restrictions, some orders will also specify that you’re prohibited from contacting the petitioner at all. That means no text messages, calls, emails, contacting through social media or passing messages through another person.

Follow All The Requirements of The Restraining Order

You have just been issued a restraining order and may be confused, stressed, or even angry. Perhaps that means you’re not even allowed to go to your own home and get your things. While you may be emotional and ready to react, don’t. Do not call, text, or contact the petitioner in any way, even if your instinct is screaming at you to fix the situation right away.

Doing so is a violation of the restraining order, which could result in jail time and fines and can even result in felony charges for Aggravated Stalking. Put simply, whether or not you believe the restraining order is necessary, and even if you know you can dispute it in court, it is a court order that you must comply with until you can contest it in court.

Discuss The Restraining Order With a Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyer

Aside from ensuring that you do not violate the restraining order, talking to a Georgia criminal defense lawyer can also help you deal with the immediate effects of some of the restrictions. For instance, your lawyer can arrange for you to get things from your home or meet with your kids if they are not part of the restraining order. Keep in mind that violating a temporary protective order will make it more difficult for you to fight a permanent protective order, which could stay in effect for years.

In addition, if you have evidence, such as photos, message threads, or recordings that can help disprove the allegations against you, give them to your lawyer right away. Depending on the circumstances, your lawyer can build a strong case and have the restraining order dismissed or modified.

Get In Touch With a Seasoned Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyer

The most crucial thing to do when you receive a restraining order is to follow all the requirements and contact a Georgia criminal defense lawyer right away. To learn what our Georgia criminal defense lawyer at Banks, Stubbs & McFarland can do for your case and schedule your consultation, contact us online.