What to Expect during a Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit
If your loved one has been injured as a result of nursing home abuse, it is a harrowing situation for which you are no doubt ill-prepared to cope. Fortunately, an experienced Cumming nursing home abuse attorney can help you get through this ordeal while upholding your aging relative’s legal rights and skillfully pursuing just compensation for his or her physical, financial, and emotional damages. While some nursing home abuse cases can be settled out of court, many others proceed to court, and it’s a good idea to better understand the process involved.
You Can Expect the Insurance Company to Play Hardball
Your loved one has suffered damages as a result of nursing home abuse, and this means that – in order to obtain just compensation for his or her damages – you’ll need to deal with the insurance company involved. You can definitely expect the insurance company to do everything it can to either deny the claim outright or to attempt to settle for as little as possible. The fact is that the insurance company is a for-profit business that is driven by its desire to increase those profits. If the insurance company refuses to negotiate in good faith, it ensures that the case will go to court.
You Can Expect the Nursing Home to be Difficult
You are accusing the nursing home of abusing your loved one, and they are very likely to be uncooperative and difficult. In other words, they aren’t going to make building your strongest case easy for you. With the astute legal guidance of a dedicated personal injury attorney in your corner, however, you’ll be well-prepared to clear this hurdle.
The Steps You Should Take if You Think You Have a Claim
If you suspect that your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse, it’s important to act fast. Physical evidence tends to fade over time – and if the nursing home fears charges, any remaining evidence may disappear. As such, taking the following steps is in order:
- Document every sign of neglect that you possibly can through photos and video. Writing down your impressions and dating them can be very effective at helping your resourceful personal injury attorney compile your strongest case.
- Jotting down all the details that led to your suspicion of abuse (or the injury or event that led to this belief) and any witnesses is an important means of documentation.
- Report all injuries, accidents, and/or events that concern you to the nursing home administrator.
- Report the nursing home to the Georgia Department of Community Health – Healthcare Facility Regulation.
- Consult with a dedicated personal injury attorney with extensive experience in nursing home abuse cases.
An Experienced Cumming Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Can Help
The concerned nursing home abuse lawyers at Banks, Stubbs & McFarland – proudly serving both Forsyth County and Cumming – will treat your claim with urgency and are committed to helping you obtain just compensation for the damages your loved one suffered as a result of nursing home abuse. For more information about how we can help you, please don’t wait to contact us online or call us at 770-887-1209 today.