Causes of Car Accidents in Georgia Car accidents can have many causes, but most crashes occur because another party was negligent. If you were injured in a collision that was caused by someone else’s negligence, it’s time to consult with an experienced Georgia personal injury attorney. The legal team at Banks, Stubbs & McFarland, LLP, is ready to help, so please contact our office today. Negligent Drivers Many car accidents are caused by driver negligence, and this negligence can come in many forms, including: Impairment – Everyone with a driver’s license knows the danger associated with getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, but some drivers choose to ignore this very real risk. Impaired drivers are negligent, dangerous drivers who often cause extremely serious accidents. Distraction – Safe drivers don’t allow distractions to divert their attention away from their primary task of driving safely. One of the most dangerous distractions in current times is texting and smartphone usage, which is becoming more prevalent as reliance on our smartphones becomes increasingly heavy. Inattention to the Effects of Weather – Speed limits are set for driving safely under near-perfect conditions, and when motorists fail to take the effects of weather into consideration, dangerous accidents are often the result. Even a light rain can leave roadways dangerously slippery. Further, ice, heavy rain, high winds, and fog can all drastically reduce visibility while also making the roads dangerously slick. Drivers who fail to pay attention to the effects of inclement weather are dangerous drivers. Recklessness – Many different behaviors can constitute as reckless driving, such as driving under the influence, street racing, tailgating, and more. These behaviors are often one step up from negligent driving. Aggression and Road Rage – Aggressive driving is a form of reckless driving that can encompass many unsafe practices, including excessive speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, honking and gesturing rudely (or even obscenely), passing on the shoulder, and more. An extreme form of aggression occurs when a driver exhibits road rage, which is exactly as dangerous as it sounds. Other Liable Parties Negligent drivers aren’t always the cause of car accidents. Sometimes, other parties share the blame or shoulder the fault entirely. Examples include: Unsafe Roads and Road Construction – If the road itself or road construction on the road is poorly designed or executed, has inadequate safety signage, lights, or signals, or is otherwise unsafe, it can lead to serious traffic accidents. Inadequate road maintenance can also play a role, and various government entities or companies can be found liable for such accidents. Faulty Car and Car-Parts Manufacturing – When a car is designed or built faultily, malfunctions can cause accidents to ensue. Examples include cars with dangerously high centers of gravity, faulty brakes, tires that blow out, and more. Car and car-parts manufacturers are often deemed at fault for these types of accidents. Car Accident Causes FAQs People often have quite a few questions after being involved in a car accident. Below we have answered a few of the most frequently asked questions you might want to know the answers to. 1. How Do Auto Insurance Companies Settle Auto Claims in GA? Usually, an auto insurance company will settle auto claims by negotiating with you after you have sent your initial demand letter. Unfortunately, insurers are not looking out for your best interests. They are profit-driven institutions that will try to settle with you as cheaply as possible. The first offer you receive will often fall short of how much you need to pay for the damages you incurred during your car accident. That’s why you need to be prepared to engage in a series of offers and counteroffers to get the highest value for the case. During this process, the insurer might try to get you to admit fault to reduce your settlement. That’s why you need to be guarded about what you say to an adjuster. In many instances, it’s best to have a car accident attorney handle negotiations on your behalf, as they know the tricks insurance companies try to use during settlement proceedings. 2. Are You Required To Accept An Insurance Settlement in GA? If you feel that an insurance settlement is unfairly low and that you deserve more, you should ignore or decline the settlement offer and engage an attorney. Unless the insurance company agrees to pay its policy limits, it is advisable to never accept the insurance company’s first offer. The first settlement an insurer offers is often low because they don’t want to pay you the full damages you’re seeking. If you are unable to reach an appropriate settlement which makes you whole for all of your losses, you will need to file a lawsuit to protect your rights. 3. How Long After Your Car Accident Can You File A Lawsuit? You must note the statute of limitations for Georgia after you have been involved in a car accident. If you don’t file a personal injury claim within the permitted time frame, you risk your case being dismissed. Like other states, in the state of Georgia, the statute of limitations is two years for car accidents. Essentially, this means that if you don’t file your claim within two years from the date of your car accident, you will likely be barred from filing a claim. That’s why you need to take action sooner rather than later. 4. How Much Money Are You Entitled To From A Car Accident Settlement? Determining how much money you are entitled to from a car accident can be difficult because there is no predetermined formula associated with any injuries and damages. Ultimately, the amount you receive from your car accident will depend on the circumstances of your car accident, the severity of your injuries, and the losses you have incurred. A personal injury attorney can help you document the nature, extent, and severity of your injuries. Also, if all of the losses are known, an attorney can provide an estimate of the monetary damages that you are entitled to receive. Finally, a lawyer can help you determine if an auto insurance company is offering you an unfair settlement. Don’t Delay Consulting with an Experienced Forsyth County Personal Injury Attorney If a negligent driver or company leaves you injured, the experienced Cumming car accident attorneys at Banks, Stubbs & McFarland, LLP, are committed to applying their decades of experience in support of your case’s best possible resolution. Our dedicated legal team is on your side, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at (770) 887-1209 for more information today.