Premises Liability Lawyers In Cumming, GA When you go to someone’s house, visit a restaurant, go the grocery store or visit any other place open to the public, you have the right to expect that it is free from hazards that could cause injury. Property owners and managers have an obligation to maintain their properties to ensure that people visiting them are not injured. If that obligation is not fulfilled, a premises liability lawsuit can be initiated. If you were injured because you slipped or tripped on an obstacle or suffered some other injury as a result of visiting another person’s property, you may have a premises liability claim. If an accident resulted in the death of a loved you, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit. At Banks, Stubbs and McFarland, we can advise you on whether you have a legitimate property owner negligence claim; if you do, we can pursue the maximum compensation for your injury, including medical and rehabilitation expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Premises liability covers a broad spectrum of property negligence claims, including: Slip-and-fall injury Trip-and-fall accidents Swimming pool accidents Balcony collapses Electrocution Exposure to toxic substances Negligent security Negligent supervision of the disabled, children or the elderly These types of accidents can result in back, neck and spine injuries as well as serious fractures, burns and even death. We know the devastation these types of injuries cause. That is why we work so hard to obtain just compensation for our clients. Successful representation depends on more than understanding the law in the law books. It requires a thorough understanding of how courts in Georgia are handling these types of cases and the ability to prepare a case properly to win at trial. Our personal injury attorneys are successful because they stay on top of the law and are knowledgeable about how Georgia courts approach property negligence claims. If you are wondering whether you have a premises liability claim, it is important to find out now. In Georgia, you only have two years to pursue a claim before losing your chance to recover. Call our law firm or complete our form to schedule a consultation with a top personal injury lawyer. How to Tell if You Have a Slip and Fall Claim One of the most common premises liability lawsuits involve a person falling. “Slip-and-fall” is a phrase describing accidents that happen on another party’s property, as a result of the other party’s negligence. Slip-and-fall injuries are as serious as any. It is not unusual for a violent fall to break bones or cause traumatic brain injury. As a result, these cases have damages including compensation for medical bills and time off from work. Not every incident on another party’s property — a store, an office, a business, a private home — deserves compensation. The injury must have been avoidable with an ordinary degree of care. If you are unsure whether your injury is part of a legitimate personal injury claim, schedule a no-obligation case evaluation with one of our experienced attorneys. Call our our office now to fight for your rights.