Cumming Broken Bones and Fractures Attorneys

Broken bones and fractures are very common to many kinds of accidents. Although they are common, these injuries can also be serious. Broken bones and fractures are not only extremely painful but are also slow to heal. Further, when a broken bone does not heal correctly, it can lead to chronic pain and even to permanent disability. If you have been injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, do not put off calling an experienced Georgia personal injury attorney at Banks, Stubbs & McFarland today.

Varying Types of Breaks

A broken bone and fractured bone do not refer to one single type of injury. In fact, there are several different types of breaks and fractures – each with its own complications. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis and receiving the correct treatment early on is critical to your ability to reach your fullest recovery. Broken bone injuries include:

  • Displaced Fractures – A displaced fracture refers to a bone that has not only cracked but also has had pieces separate off. Displaced fractures often require surgery.
  • Nondisplaced Fractures – A nondisplaced fracture refers to a bone that has partially or fully cracked, but that retains its alignment.
  • Stable Fractures – The term stable fracture refers to a broken bone that largely retains its structure (much like a nondisplaced fracture).
  • Open Fractures or Compound Fractures – Open or compound fractures are those serious breaks in which the bone punctures the skin and creates an open wound. This is not only a dangerous break but is also closely associated with an increased risk of serious infection and requires immediate surgery in most cases. Closed Fractures in which the broken bone doesn’t penetrate the outer layer of skin can be just as serious breaks, but the damage usually isn’t visible from the outside.
  • Simple Fracture – A simple fracture refers to a clean break in which there is little separation between the adjacent broken ends of the bone.
  • Transverse Fracture – A transverse fracture is a break that occurs at a direct right angle.
  • Oblique Fractures – Oblique fractures are breaks that occur at a slant or on a curved angle, which can lead to far more serious complications during the healing process.
  • Greenstick Fractures – A greenstick fracture refers to a bone that twists and bends rather than breaks, and it is most common in young children whose bones are more pliable.
  • Linear Fractures – Linear fractures occur along the length of the bone and are most common to long bones, such as those in the legs or arms.

Even the simplest break can lead to extensive physical, financial, and emotional damage, as well as to serious secondary complications.

Do Yourself a Favor and Consult with an Experienced Forsyth County Personal Injury Attorney Today

Broken and fractured bones are serious injuries that require serious legal attention. The dedicated Forsyth County and Cumming personal injury attorneys at Banks, Stubbs & McFarland are committed to zealously fighting for your case’s most favorable resolution. Please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 770-887-1209 for more information today.